Cell Escape - The Real Secret

Cell Escape- The Real Secret.
Name: Cell Escape
Author: David De-val
Publication Summary: 75 Pgs.
Format: Paperback
Media Type: Book
Date 2000
Description: Published to coincide with his 62nd birthday with his 40 year research recorded for future escapologists. This is a "Limited Edition" book written by David De-Val in which he discusses his methods for duplicating Houdini's Nude Jail Cell Escapes. Photographs and Stories. If you want to know the real secret this book is a must!
Illustrated, designed & Edited by his close friend at the time “Riley"

Cell Escape- The Real Secret.
Name: Cell Escape
Author: David De-Val, Allan Taylor
Publication Summary: Pgs. 78
Format: Paperback
Media Type: Book
Date 2016
Description: Updated with improved photos and extra informatio
Indian street magic tends to be very gory, blood and guts. One trick is for a magician to take a knife and appear to cut his kid's head almost off. The magician then says to the crowd, 'Well I can continue to cut off my son's head or you can all give me some money.' Then he wanders around and takes 10 rupees from everyone and restores his son.